このブログではボディメイクについて書いていますが,頑張っている日はあるものの,トータルで見るとかなり残念なことになっています. まず筋トレですが,10月に入って筋トレのボリュームが2割以上落ちてしまいました. 9月までと比べて仕事が忙しくなった…
Jan 31, 2019: Rotator Cuff and Back, 43:02 Shoulder Internal Rotation: 12.5kg, R15, L15, R15, L15 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Lying Lateral Raise: 12.5 kg, R15, L15, R15, L15 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Shoulder External Rotation: 7.5kg, R12, L12,…
Jan 30, 2019: Shoulders and Arms, 00:34:46 Lateral Raise: 15*2 kg, 12, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Seated Rear Raise: 15*2 kg, 12, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Arnold Press: 15*2 kg, 12, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Conc…
Jan 29, 2019: Legs, 38:12 Squat: 67 kg, 10, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Barbell Twist: 67 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Wide stance squat: 87 kg, 12, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Hip thrust: 87 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on…
Jan 28, 2019: Chest, 00:31:57 Reverse Grip Bench Press: 47 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Bench Press: 47 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Dumbbell incline press: 12.5*2 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Dumbbell incline…
Jan 17, 2019: Rotator Cuff and Waist, 25:45 Shoulder Internal Rotation: 12.5 kg, R15, L15, R15, L15 reps Lying Lateral Raise: 12.5 kg, R15, L15, R15, L15 reps Shoulder External Rotation: 7.5 kg, R12, L12, R12, L12, R12, L12 reps Crunch: 20…
Jan 24, 2019: Legs and Waist, 32:08 One Leg Deadlift: 47 kg, L10, R10, L10, R10, L10, R10 reps Zecher Squat: 47 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps One Leg Squat: 47 kg, L10-R10, L10-R10, L10-R10 reps Crunch: 20, 20, 20 reps Dead Bug: 10, 10, 10 reps 今朝…
今日は脚の筋トレを予定していました. ところが,えらく疲労を感じるうえに,身体中が筋肉痛でした. 30分ほど二度寝しても効果なし…軽い筋トレはおろかストレッチすら行う気がしません. でも,今朝は比較的余裕があり,何もしないで出勤するのも気が利…
Jan 22, 2019: Shoulders and Arms, 00:32:00 Seated Rear Raise: 15*2 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps Lateral Raise: 15*2 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps Arnold Press: 15*2 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps Triceps-bar Triceps Extension: 28 kg, 5(!) reps Concentration Curl: 12.5 …
Jan 20, 2019: Back, 00:35:50 Reverse Grip Bent Over Row: 67 kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Triceps-bar Bent Over Row: 48 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Triceps-bar Pullover: 28 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) One Han…
Jan 19, 2019: Legs, 49:30 Squat: 67 kg, 10, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Barbell Twist: 67 kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Wide stance squat: 87 kg, 12, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Standing Calf Raise: 87 kg, 25, 25 rep…
Jan 18, 2019: Chest and Waist, 19:48 Crunch: 20, 20, 20 reps Dead Bug: 10, 10, 10 reps Triceps-bar Bench Press : 38kg, 10, 10, 10 reps Incline Dumbbell Press: 12.5*2kg, 12, 12, 12 reps 今朝は腹と胸の筋トレに励みました. 相変わらずの夜型生…
Jan 17, 2019: Rotator Cuff, 15:12 Shoulder Internal Rotation: 12.5kg, R15, L15, R15, L15 reps Lying Lateral Raise: 12.5 kg, R15, L15, R15, L15 reps Shoulder External Rotation: 7.5kg, R12, L12, R12, L12, R12, L12 reps 今朝はローテーターカフ…
Jan 16, 2019: Shoulders and Arms, 00:33:19 Upright Row: 48.5kg, 12, 12, 12 reps Rear Deltoid Row: 48.5kg, 12, 12, 12 reps EZ Bar Curl: 46kg, 10, 10, 10 reps Lateral Raise: 15*2kg, 12, 12, 12 reps Seated Rear Raise: 15*2kg, 12, 12, 12 reps …
Jan 14, 2019: Chest, 00:38:26 Reverse Grip Bench Press: 47kg, 10, 10, 10 reps Bench Press: 47kg, 10, 10, 10 reps Dumbbell incline close grip bench press: 15*2kg, 12, 12, 12 reps Dumbbell incline fly: 15*2kg, 10, 10, 10 reps Dumbbell inclin…
Jan 13, 2018: Legs, 33:05 Zecher Squat: 47kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Forward Lunge: 47kg, F10, R10, F10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Rear Lunge: 47kg, F10, R10, F10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) One Leg Squat: 47kg, L10-R10, L10-R10, L10-…
SHOWROOMで配信していると,筋トレおよびピラティス&ストレッチで使っているアプリを質問されることがあります. このページでは私が使っているアプリを紹介します. どちらも2016年1月から使い続けているので,3年以上になりますね…長い付き合いです. Gym…
Jan 12, 2018: Waist and Back, 00:43:52 Crunch: 20, 20, 20 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Reverse Grip Bent Over Row: 67kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Barbell Twist: 67kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Good Morning: 67kg, 15, 15, 15 r…
今朝は背中と腹を鍛えるつもりでした. ところが,昨晩疲れているはずなのに眠れなくて,結局2時過ぎまで起きてしまいました. やむを得ず今朝は遅めに起きることにして,体力回復を狙いました. さらに,起きた直後から右手首が痛い…怪我というほどではない…
Jan 9, 2019: Rotator Cuff and Arms and Legs, 39:58 Shoulder External Rotation: 10kg, R10, L10, R10, L10, R10, L10 reps Shoulder Internal Rotation: 12.5kg, R15, L15, R15, L15 reps Lying Lateral Raise: 12.5 kg, R15, L15, R15, L15 reps Stork …
Jan 8, 2019: Chest and Shoulders, 00:35:15 Incline Dumbbell Press: 15*2kg, 15, 15, 15 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Dumbbell incline Squeeze Press: 15*2kg, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Dumbbell Incline Fly: 15*2kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOW…
Jan 7, 2019: Legs, 33:24 Squat: 67kg, 10, 10, 10 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Wide stance squat: 84.5kg, 12, 12, 12, 12 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Romanian Deadlift: 84.5kg, 7, 10, 7 reps (on SHOWROOM live) Hip thrust: 84.5kg, 12, 12, 12, 12 reps …
Jan 5, 2019: Chest and Shoulder, 00:38:05 Dumbbell Fly: 7.5*2kg, 25, 25, 25 reps Dumbbell Reverse Grip Bench Press: 7.5*2kg, 25, 25, 25 reps Dumbbell Close Grip Bench Press: 7.5*2kg, 25, 25, 25 reps Dumbbell Bench Press: 7.5*2kg, 30, 30, 3…
Jan 4, 2019: Rotator Cuff and Arms and Legs, 27:10 Shoulder External Rotation: 7.5 kg, R10, L10, R10, L10, R10, L10 reps Shoulder Internal Rotation: 7.5 kg, R20, L20, R20, L20 reps Lying Lateral Raise: 7.5 kg, R20, L20, R20, L20 reps Stork…
Jan 3, 2019: Back and Shoulder, 00:26:25 Dumbbell Upright Row: 7.5*2kg, 25, 25, 25 reps Dumbbell Lying Row: 7.5*2kg, 20, 20, 20 reps Dumbbell Straight Arm Pullover: 7.5*2kg, 20, 20, 20 reps Arnold Press: 7.5*2kg, 20, 20, 20 reps 今朝は背中…