Oct 31, 2023: Chest & Flexibility, 36 mins, 78.3 kg, 2.3 Mcal. Yoga: 20 mins Dumbbell Bench Press: 15 * 2 kg, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 reps Incline Fly & Squeeze Press: 0.72 * 2 kg, F30-SP30, F30-SP30, F30-SP30, F30-SP30 reps 今朝は遅めの時…
Oct 30, 2023: Flexibility and Running, 52 mins, 78.0 kg. Running: 5.35 km, 31:48 (5:53, 5:46, 5:51, 5:59, 6:06) Yoga: 20 mins 今朝はそんなに早くない時刻での起床となりました. それでも昨日走っていないので,今日こそ走っておきたいところ. 朝…
Oct 29, 2023: Back and Shoulders and Flexibility, 36 mins, 78.4 kg. Yoga: 20 mins Rear Raise: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30. 30 reps Snatch: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30, 30 reps Cuban Press: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30, 30 reps 今日は典型的な遅寝遅起き…
以前は鍛える方法は筋トレのみでしたが,今年からジョギングを取り入れるようになりました. これらをどのように組合せるかについては試行錯誤しています. 特に10月からは朝に予定が入ることが多くなったことで,より難しくなりました. 現状では次のような…
Oct 28, 2023: Chest & Rotator Cuff & Triceps & Flexibility & Running, 65 mins, 78.1 kg, 2.4 Mcal. Running: 5.04 km, 30:38 (6:18, 5:58, 5:53, 5:54, 6:13) Yoga: 20 mins Incline Fly & Squeeze Press: 0.72 * 2 kg, F30-SP30, F30-SP30, F30-SP30, …
Oct 26, 2023: Back and Shoulders and Flexibility, 38 mins, 78.3 kg. Yoga: 20 mins Rear Raise: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30. 30 reps Snatch: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30, 30 reps Cuban Press: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30, 30 reps 昨晩は早めに寝たものの,…
Oct 25, 2023: Chest & Rotator Cuff & Triceps & Flexibility, 40 mins, 79.0 kg, 2.1 Mcal. Yoga: 20 mins Incline Fly & Squeeze Press: 0.72 * 2 kg, F30-SP30, F30-SP30, F30-SP30, F30-SP30 reps Shoulder External Rotation: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30…
Oct 23, 2023: Legs and Flexibility, 48 mins, 78.6 kg, 2.0 Mcal. Yoga: 20 mins Pile Squat: 22.5 kg, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 reps Hip Thrust: 77 kg, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12 reps Dumbbell One Leg Squat: 0.72 * 2 kg, L20-R20, L20…
本日は献血に行ってきました. 前回に続いて今回も成分献血となります. 成分献血だと土日祝日の予約が取りにくい状況ですが,たまたま本日の午前に空いていたので幸運でしたね. 前述のトレーニング終了後に,乳び対策でプロテインとカップ入りの羊羹(97kca…
Oct 22, 2023: Back and Shoulders & Flexibility & Running, 69 mins, 78.3 kg, 1.7 Mcal. Running: 5.21 km, 32:34 (6:30, 5:49, 5:54, 6:30, 6:28) Yoga: 20 mins Rear Raise: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30. 30 reps Snatch: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30, 30 rep…
Oct 21, 2023: Flexibility and Running, 83 mins, 78.7 kg, 2.6 Mcal. Running: 10.12 km, 1:03:53 (6:38, 5:53, 5:54, 6:05, 6:05, 5:58, 5:42, 6:21, 6:17, 7:01) Yoga: 20 mins 今日は遅めの就寝となってしまい,その分だけ遅めの起床となりました. 外…
Oct 18, 2023: Chest & Rotator Cuff & Triceps & Flexibility & Running, 74 mins, 78.6 kg, 1.8 Mcal. Running: 6.04 km, 35:55 (5:56, 6:01, 5:57, 5:40, 6:00, 6:07) Yoga: 20 mins Incline Fly & Squeeze Press: 0.72 * 2 kg, F30-SP30, F30-SP30, F30-…
Oct 16, 2023: Legs & Biceps & Flexibility, 31 mins, 79.9 kg, 2.7 Mcal. Yoga: 20 mins Dumbbell One Leg Squat: 0.72 * 2 kg, L20-R20, L20-R20, L20-R20, L20-R20 reps Stork Stance Biceps Curl: 0.72 * 2 kg, L20-R20, L20-R20, L20-R20, L20-R20 rep…
Oct 15, 2023: Back and Shoulders and Flexibility, 66 mins, 78.9 kg. Yoga: 20 mins Deadlift: 77 kg, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12 reps Dumbbell Lying Row: 15 * 2 kg, 15, 15, 15, 15 reps Rear Raise: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30, 30 reps Snatch: …
Oct 14, 2023: Chest & Rotator Cuff & Triceps & Flexibility & Running, 66 mins, 78.7 kg, 2.1 Mcal. Running: 5.26 km, 30:36 (5:48, 5:27, 5:51, 5:57, 5:57) Yoga: 20 mins Incline Fly & Squeeze Press: 0.72 * 2 kg, F30-SP30, F30-SP30, F30-SP30, …
Oct 11, 2023: Legs and Flexibility and Running, 66 mins, 79.0 kg, 1.9 Mcal. Running: 5.09 km, 30:31 (6:16, 5:52, 5:53, 6:03, 5:54) Yoga: 20 mins Pile Squat: 22.5 kg, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 reps Dumbbell One Leg Squat: 0.72 * 2 kg, L20-R20,…
Oct 10, 2023: Back and Shoulders and Flexibility, 41 mins, 80.0 kg. Yoga: 20 mins Deadlift: 77 kg, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12 reps Dumbbell Lying Row: 15 * 2 kg, 15, 15, 15, 15 reps Snatch: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30, 30 reps 今朝は遅めの…
Oct 9, 2023: Chest & Rotator Cuff & Flexibility & Running, 62 mins, 79.5 kg, 1.9 Mcal. Running: 5.11 km, 31:34 (6:12, 5:32, 5:49, 6:28, 6:38) Yoga: 20 mins Incline Fly & Squeeze Press: 0.72 * 2 kg, F30-SP30, F30-SP30, F30-SP30 reps Shoulde…
ピアノの練習を始めてから半年になります. 当初は好きなアーティストのピアノ楽譜集を買って,その中から簡単そうな曲を独学していました. ところが,GW期間中に帰省したときにコードで弾けば,より簡単に弾き語りできると教えてもらいました. 元々私は弾…
Oct 8, 2023: Legs and Biceps and Flexibility and Running, 64 mins, 80.0 kg, 2.6 Mcal. Running: 6.04 km, 34:42 (6:21, 5:39, 5:32, 5:24, 5:36, 5:50) Yoga: 20 mins Dumbbell One Leg Squat: 0.72 * 2 kg, L20-R20, L20-R20, L20-R20, L20-R20 reps S…
本日は献血に行ってきました. 8月に400ml献血に行ってきたので,今回は成分献血となります. 成分献血だと土日祝日の予約が取りにくい状況ですが,たまたま本日の午前に空いていたので幸運でしたね. 前述のトレーニング終了後に,乳び対策でプロテインと…
Oct 7, 2023: Back and Shoulders and Flexibility, 35 mins, 79.8 kg. Yoga: 20 mins Rear Raise: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30. 30 reps Snatch: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30, 30 reps Cuban Press: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30, 30 reps 昨晩は遅めの就寝となってし…
Oct 6, 2023: Chest & Rotator Cuff & Triceps & Flexibility, 59 mins, 79.7 kg, 1.8 Mcal. Yoga: 20 mins Dumbbell Bench Press: 15 * 2 kg, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 reps Dumbbell Pullover: 22.5 kg, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 reps Shoulder Internal Rot…
Oct 5, 2023: Legs and Biceps and Flexibility and Running, 61 mins, 79.6 kg, 1.9 Mcal. Yoga: 20 mins Running: 3.14 km, 19:39 (6:29, 6:02, 5:55) Yoga: 10 mins Dumbbell One Leg Squat: 0.72 * 2 kg, L20-R20, L20-R20, L20-R20, L20-R20 reps Stork…
Oct 4, 2023: Back and Shoulders and Flexibility, 33 mins, 79.6 kg. Yoga: 20 mins Rear Raise: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30 reps Snatch: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30 reps Cuban Press: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30 reps 昨晩は早めに眠りについたため,早めに起…
Oct 3, 2023: Chest & Rotator Cuff & Flexibility & Running, 61 mins, 79.3 kg. Yoga: 20 mins Running: 5.12 km, 31:09 (6:11, 5:55, 5:53, 6:08, 6:07) Incline Fly & Squeeze Press: 0.72 * 2 kg, F20-SP20, F20-SP20, F20-SP20, F20-SP20 reps Shoulde…
Oct 2, 2023: Legs and Flexibility, 44 mins, 80.4 kg. Yoga: 20 mins Pile Squat: 22.5 kg, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 reps Dumbbell One Leg Squat: 0.72 * 2 kg, L20-R20, L20-R20, L20-R20, L20-R20 reps 今朝は通常通りに起きら…
Oct 1, 2023: Back and Shoulders and Flexibility, 43 mins, 80.2 kg. Yoga: 30 mins Dumbbell Lying Row: 15 * 2 kg, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 reps Rear Raise: 0.72 * 2 kg, 30, 30, 30, 30 reps 今朝は二度寝してしまい,少し遅めの起床となりました. …